Process overview
Each new project starts with an analysis of the site context and a detailed investigation of the client’s brief.
We do not look to impose buildings upon a given site, but rather to work with what is existing in a positive way to create a specific and individual design. We seek to understand what is unique and special about a site, alongside the particularities of the brief, and to use this to generate a design response so that the architecture is a distinctive building yet clearly of its place.
The strength of this early conceptual response provides a clear and elegant framework at the outset, allowing subsequent design decision making to be clear and logical both at the scale of a site or landscape, but also in the construction details, thus ensuring that the proposal is consistent in approach throughout.
We thoroughly enjoy debating the merits of a design proposal and testing the realities of a solution against our client’s expectation and way of life. A design must work for, and ideally inspire, our clients. We aim for our designs to be up-lifting, exciting, surprising, and to surpass expectations.